JUNE 15, 2006


7:00 P.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present:  Paula Keefe, Richie

                  Gorden, Ellen Abelson and Mark Mazur


1.  The Board committed an omitted personal property assessment for fiscal year



2.  The Board noted that we have appealed the fiscal year 2007 class 505 personal

     property assessments set by the state.


3.  The Board noted that we will not be revising our fiscal year 2006 class 505

     personal property assessments.  Some communities are doing so as a result of

     the recent Bell Atlantic Appellate Tax Board decision.  However,  for Sharon the

     assessments of wireless carriers did not go down between FY2004 and FY2006

     and so revising their assessments did not make sense.


4.  The Board reviewed a preliminary list of encumbrances for fiscal year 2006.


5.  The Board was told that Patriot Properties assessment reports have gone up in

     price.  The Board agreed that they were still worth obtaining.


6.  The Board took the following actions on fiscal year 2006 clause 18 applications

     for exemption by the owners of the following properties:


                        Parcel 92-65                Denied

                        Parcel 53-27-1             Granted


8:10 P.M.   Adjourned